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I Made Up My Mind (Matthew 26:39, 46)

Writer's picture: Napoleon A. BradfordNapoleon A. Bradford

Making Up Your Mind: The Power of Saying Yes to God

In life, we often find ourselves at crossroads, facing decisions that can shape our future. These moments of choice can be daunting, filled with uncertainty and fear. But what if we approached these decisions with a different perspective? What if we saw them as opportunities to align ourselves with God's plan for our lives?

The story of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane offers a powerful lesson in decision-making and surrendering to God's will. On the night before his crucifixion, Jesus found himself wrestling with the most difficult decision of his life. He knew what lay ahead – the pain, the suffering, the weight of the world's sins on his shoulders. In that moment of anguish, he prayed, "My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will" (Matthew 26:39).

This prayer reveals the very human struggle Jesus faced. He didn't want to go through the pain and suffering that awaited him. He asked God if there was another way. But ultimately, Jesus made up his mind to follow God's plan, even though it was difficult.

What can we learn from Jesus' example? Three key insights emerge:

  1. Pray Through the Process

Jesus didn't make his decision in isolation. He went to God in prayer, pouring out his heart and seeking guidance. When we face difficult choices, our first step should be to turn to God in prayer. It's okay to be honest about our fears and doubts. God wants us to bring everything to Him.

  1. Recognize Your Unique Role

Jesus understood that he was the only one who could fulfill this particular mission. No one else's blood could wash away the sins of the world. In our own lives, we need to recognize that God has uniquely positioned us for specific purposes. The challenges and opportunities we face are often tailor-made for us. As the quote goes, "If you want to get something you've never had, you have to do something you've never done."

  1. Trust God's Faithfulness

Ultimately, Jesus was able to say yes because he trusted in God's faithfulness. He knew that if God was asking him to go through this difficult journey, God would also be with him every step of the way. We can have the same confidence. When God calls us to step out in faith, He doesn't abandon us. He walks alongside us, providing strength, comfort, and guidance.

Making up our minds to follow God's plan isn't always easy. There are often very real obstacles and fears that stand in our way. Some common hindrances include:

  • The overwhelming nature of the task: Sometimes what God asks of us seems impossibly big or difficult.

  • Lack of support: We may not have the community or resources we think we need.

  • Misunderstanding God's character: We might wrongly believe that our relationship with God should shield us from all difficulties.

However, when we push through these barriers and say yes to God, amazing things can happen. Lives can be changed – not just our own, but those around us. Generations can be impacted by our obedience. Most importantly, we grow closer to God and become more like Christ in the process.

Consider the testimonies of those who have said yes to God in the past:

  • A young woman who felt called to adopt, despite financial concerns, and saw God provide in miraculous ways.

  • A man who left a lucrative career to pursue ministry, finding deeper fulfillment and purpose.

  • A couple who stepped out in faith to start a non-profit, impacting their community in ways they never imagined.

These stories remind us that when we align our will with God's, He can do immeasurably more than we could ask or imagine.

So, what decision are you wrestling with today? What is God asking of you that seems difficult or scary? Maybe it's a career change, a move to a new city, reconciling a broken relationship, or stepping into a leadership role at church. Whatever it is, know that God is with you in the process.

Here are some practical steps you can take as you seek to make up your mind:

  1. Spend dedicated time in prayer, pouring out your heart to God.

  2. Study Scripture, seeking wisdom and guidance from God's Word.

  3. Seek counsel from mature believers who can offer godly advice.

  4. Write down your fears and concerns, then surrender them to God.

  5. Take small steps of faith, even if you don't have the whole picture figured out.

Remember, God doesn't expect perfection. He's looking for willingness. Even Jesus, in his humanity, struggled with the path ahead. But he chose to trust God, and through that decision, the entire course of human history was changed.

As you face your own Gethsemane moments, be encouraged. The same God who strengthened Jesus is with you. He has a purpose for your life, and He will equip you for whatever He calls you to do. Your yes to God today could be the catalyst for incredible blessings and transformation tomorrow.

In the words often attributed to Martin Luther King Jr., "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." Today, will you make up your mind to take that step of faith? Will you say yes to God, even when it's difficult? The journey may not be easy, but it will be worth it. For when we align our will with God's, we step into the fullness of life He has designed for us.

Your yes matters. Your obedience counts. Make up your mind today to follow where God leads, and watch in awe as He works in and through your life in ways you never thought possible.

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