Napoleon A. Bradford is a 2014 and 2020 graduate of the Samuel Dewitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University, where he earned a Master of Divinity and a second Doctor of Ministry and 2019 graduate of the School of Religion at the Virginia University of Lynchburg with an earned Doctor of Ministry.

In 2017, GOD led Pastor Bradford to launch The L.I.F.E. Center,
a Cyber-Community of CHRIST Followers where he serves as Lead Shepherd. In 2019, GOD birthed Gardening Greatness Church Solutions to facilitate Virtual Executive Pastoring for congregations that can’t afford full-time staff members. In 2020, Dr. Bradford founded The ProSelf Institute, Inc. where we help everyone become the BEST version of ThemSELF. In July, 2020, Dr. Bradford was named the second pastor of Word of Faith Church in JESUS CHRIST , Inc, in Riverdale, MD.
Dr. Napoleon Bradford is the author of Daily L.I.F.E. Vols. 1 & 2: Lessons on Living In Faith Everday, Strength from My Storms: Lessons I Learned Going Through, and contributor in MANCAVE: Devotions for Men.
Napoleon is married to his 1st-grade crush, the former Karen Stacey Hilton, is the proud father of 5 of the most fabulous children ever: Portia, NeTyra, Napoleon, Noelle, and Nylah, and proud grandfather of three.